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1 June 2006 Proscopia Klug 1820 and the status of Taxiarchus (Orthoptera, Eumastacoidea, Proscopiidae)
Alba Bentos-Pereira
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The genus Taxiarchus, reinstated by Jago (1989), is revised, incorporating characters derived from the female genitalia. The outcome is to synonomize the genus with Proscopia Klug 1820, as has previously been suggested on the basis of external morphology alone.

However, these new characters and Jago's restrictive definitions of the proscopiid genera Taxiarchus have the effect of allowing this synonomy only for some species of Proscopia, leaving the other species originally described under that genus now belonging to other genera, which will be erected later in another paper.

In this work the boundaries of the genus Proscopia are defined for both sexes, Taxiarchus is synonomized with Proscopia, and two new species are described.

Alba Bentos-Pereira "Proscopia Klug 1820 and the status of Taxiarchus (Orthoptera, Eumastacoidea, Proscopiidae)," Journal of Orthoptera Research 15(1), 79-90, (1 June 2006).[79:PKATSO]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 June 2006
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